Effect of climate on body weight, scrotal circumference, libido test, reaction time and quality of semen in nari Suwarna rams
Prathibha Kaimal R, Tandle MK, Usturge SM, Kartikesh SM, Selvaraju S, Naveenkumar S and Vinay PT
The present research investigation was conducted to study effect of climate on body weight, scrotal circumference, libido test, reaction time and quality of semen in NARI Suwarna rams. The minimum temperature, relative humidity, day length and rainfall was having mixed correlation with non-significant difference with body weight, reaction time, scrotal circumference, libido and quality of semen. The rainfall was having positive correlation with gross motility of semen samples whereas the relative humidity having negative correlation with reaction time with statistically significant difference. The maximum temperature was negatively correlated with gross motility, sperm motility, head abnormalities percentage, mid piece abnormalities percentage, tail abnormalities percentage, total sperm abnormalities percentage, concentration of sperm, live sperm percentage, HOST, semen index, SCMCT and positively correlated with body weight, scrotal circumference, libido test, reaction time, volume and dead sperm percentage but the difference was statistically non-significant in NARI Suwarna rams.
How to cite this article:
Prathibha Kaimal R, Tandle MK, Usturge SM, Kartikesh SM, Selvaraju S, Naveenkumar S, Vinay PT. Effect of climate on body weight, scrotal circumference, libido test, reaction time and quality of semen in nari Suwarna rams. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(6):500-502.