Process optimization of herbal shrikhand by incorporating tulsi and turmeric powder
Nidhi Ojha, Dr. Ramesh Chandra, Kamal Rathor, Disha Satwani, Abhishek Kumar and Sherya Srivastava
Awareness about nutrition in food and it promote the consumer demand for high nutritive value product. The present fact finding was carried out to valuation by the adding Tulsi and turmeric powder into Shrikhand honey used as sweetener.Ratio of Tulsi and turmeric powder@ 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 35% honey used as sweetener. Shrikhand samples of different treatment were analyzed for fat percent lactic acid percent, protein percent, moisture, total solid percent and organoleptic character tics like flavor, taste, appearance, consistency, color & overall acceptability and microbiological characteristics like yeast, molds, & coli form count Shrikhand contains a good amount of milk protein and phospholipids and is obtained by lactic acid fermentation and the microorganisms involved in this action are lactobacillus bulcaricus, streptococcus lactis, streptococcus diacetyl lactis and streptococcus thermophilus, Tulsi. The sensory evaluation revealed that 70% of the panelist extremely like T2 combination as compared T3 and T4.The samples were stored at 7 degree Celsius and sensory and microbiological activity evaluated at regular interval.
How to cite this article:
Nidhi Ojha, Dr. Ramesh Chandra, Kamal Rathor, Disha Satwani, Abhishek Kumar, Sherya Srivastava. Process optimization of herbal shrikhand by incorporating tulsi and turmeric powder. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(6):100-102.