Studies on the use of papaya and beetroot for the preparation of jam
Fatima Irfan, AA Broadway, SA Hossain and Prachi Wasnik
The present study was undertaken with the objective of developing jam with enhanced nutritional properties and acceptable sensory attributes. The product was prepared by using Carcica papaya along with beetroot in the ratio of To (100:00), T1 (95:5), T2 (90:10), T3 (85:15). Pectin was utilized. The jam thus prepared was analyzed for physico-chemical properties (β-carotene, ascorbic acid, acidity, reducing sugar, TSS, pH, ash, moisture, protien and TS) and were also evaluated sensorily on a 9-point Hedonic scale. The control (To) had highest β- carotene (192.94(μg) /100g), Acidity (0.66%), Ascorbic acid (60.64mg/100g), Moisture (30.45%), while T3 had highest reading for Reducing sugar (22.28%), TSS (69.47 Brix), pH (3.52), Ash (0.97%), Protein (0.69%), TS (69.71%). The best combination tested sensorily was found to be T1 (95:05) ratio of papaya and beetroot as this treatment was good and acceptable by the sensory panel
How to cite this article:
Fatima Irfan, AA Broadway, SA Hossain, Prachi Wasnik. Studies on the use of papaya and beetroot for the preparation of jam. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(5):402-406.