Analysis of the factors that determine food acceptability
Juliana Wanjiru Maina
Food acceptability directly relates to the interaction food has with the consumer at a given moment in time. The factors that affect food acceptability which is covered in this paper include customer characteristics, sensory characteristics of food and the ‘feel good' factor. Through research, this paper confirms that sensory characteristics of food are considered the key area in which food manufacturers can successfully use to differentiate their products to help enhance their acceptability. Under sensory characteristics, the paper extensively discusses the influence of aroma, appearance, taste, and texture on food acceptability. For instance, it confirms that food texture controls the belief about satiation effects of beverage or foods which ultimately influence food acceptance at a particular time period. With regard to the "feel good" factor, the paper explains that consumers are more inclined to accept foods that satisfy their need in terms of enjoyment as opposed to those they consider to be less tasty. Also covered, are consumer characteristics; knowledge, innovativeness, attitude, belief, and perception of particular food products and their impact on food acceptability
How to cite this article:
Juliana Wanjiru Maina. Analysis of the factors that determine food acceptability. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(5):253-257.