Abstract:Objective: Recognizable congenital abnormalities of newborn, this study has been performed at the neonatal intensive care unit at Al- Zahraa Teaching Hospital for Maternity and Pediatrics at Al- Najaf governorate from first of June 2009 to the Thirty first of May 2010, to determine the congenital abnormalities in newborn infants and to identify the most common type and their predisposing factors.
Patients and Methods: Our study covers the structural defects that have been detected in alive newborns referred from the labor room and operative theater to the neonatal intensive care unit within one year. Information taken from the patient's mothers and relatives in a well prepared questionnaire, clinical examination of newborn had been done by consultant pediatrician and data were analyzed by chi square test.
Results: From total 11164 newborn babies 139(1.25%) newborn have visible congenital malformation, male to female ratio was (1.5:1), the most common congenital abnormalities in sequence were those affecting the CNS 61 (43.9%), followed by multiple congenital abnormalities 28 (20.2%), musculoskeletal abnormalities 16 (11.5%), chromosomal and genitourinary abnormalities each one 8 (5.8%), cleft lip and palate and skin abnormalities each one 7 (5%) then ear and eye abnormalities and exomphalos each one 2 (1.4%).Seventy eight(56.1%) parents were reported to be consanguineous and 61 (43.9%) were negative in regard consanguinity. High percent of congenital abnormalities occurs with age of mothers ranging from 15 – 25 years 75 (54%), and first baby in the family was the most commonly affected with congenital anomalies 42 (30.2%), and highest occurrence of congenital abnormalities in newborn baby 60 (43.2%) had weight ranging from 2 – 3 kg, and 109 (78.4%) of babies with congenital anomalies were term. Fatality rate increases among those newborns with major abnormalities.
Conclusion: Congenital malformations in newborn infants in our studied sample is near to the different parts of our country and neurological anomalies, especially neural tube defect, are the most common types, about two-third of congenital malformations occurs in term babies, with B. Wt. (2-3 Kg), and being the first child in the family and more frequently in babies delivered to relatively young mothers aged between (15-25 years), consanguinity is one of major risk factor and about one third of newborn babies with congenital malformations died before discharge from hospital or immediately post-delivery especially those with major malformations.