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Vol. 7, Issue 5 (2018)

Tillage, irrigation and nitrogen management on plant height, dry matter, bulk density and soil pH after wheat harvest. Yield and protein content of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Dr. Arvind Kumar
Field experiment entitled “Irrigation and nitrogen management under different tillage systems in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)”, comprised of three tillage options as main plot, four irrigation schedules in sub plot and three nitrogen levels in sub-sub plot, was conducted in split-split plot design with four replications, to evaluate irrigation and nitrogen levels in respect of growth, yield and quality parameters under different tillage systems in wheat. Conventional tillage resulted 13.88 percent higher dry matter yield, 9.27 percent higher biological and 9.28 percent higher grain yield than zero- tillage. But the differences between conventional tillage to zero tillage+mulch were non significant. Seven irrigations applied at 15 DAS, CRI, Late tillering, Late jointing, Flowering, Milking, dough had significantly higher plant growth and biological yield Whereas, the grain yield was highest with six irrigations applied at CRI, Late tillering, Late jointing, Flowering, Milking, dough which, was 9.14 percent higher than the four irrigation level. Nitrogen application @ 150 kg N /ha resulted 4.0, 9.16 and 10.26 percent higher dry matter, biological and grain yield over 120 kg N application. Protein content in grains remained unaffected due to tillage, irrigation regimes and N application. Slight favorable alteration in soil pH was registered after wheat harvest although the differences were statistically non significant.
Pages: 78-81  |  1309 Views  214 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Dr. Arvind Kumar. Tillage, irrigation and nitrogen management on plant height, dry matter, bulk density and soil pH after wheat harvest. Yield and protein content of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Pharma Innovation 2018;7(5):78-81.

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