Longitudinal study on prevalence of sub clinical mastitis in winter season of cattle from Kashmir valley
I Ashraf, HU Malik, Muheet, A Muhee, O Shah, U Amin, SA Beigh, S Bashir, N Handoo, H Hammadani, N Nazir and A Jan
The longitudinal study was conducted in Kashmir division of Jammu and Kashmir to access prevalence of sub-clinical mastitis in bovines. Study was conducted from January 2017 to February 2018. A total of 810 cattle samples were collected from apparently healthy quarters of lactating crossbred cattle of Kashmir region. The diagnostic protocol employed for the study was Somatic cell count, California mastitis test (CMT), pH and Electrical conductivity. Animal wise and quarter wise incidence of SCM was 47.58% and 26.67%, respectively. The study indicates that animal with apparently healthy quarter’s harbors infection which can progress to clinical condition if animal is not treated for subclinical mastitis. So the study indicates that animals should be periodically examined for sub clinical mastitis and treated for subclinical mastitis.
How to cite this article:
I Ashraf, HU Malik, Muheet, A Muhee, O Shah, U Amin, SA Beigh, S Bashir, N Handoo, H Hammadani, N Nazir, A Jan. Longitudinal study on prevalence of sub clinical mastitis in winter season of cattle from Kashmir valley. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(4):988-989.