Studies on comparison of carcass composition of spent broiler breeders and commercial broilers
N Anitha Reddy, M Shashi Kumar, K Kondal Reddy, VV Kulkarni, V Kesava Rao, N Krishnaiah, M Naveen Kumar Reddy, K Santhosh and A Shivaji
The present study was aimed to evaluate the carcass characteristics of spent broiler breeders with commercial broilers. Cobb 430 spent broiler breeders (72 weeks) and broilers (6 weeks) were slaughtered in four trials comprising six birds each at a time. Spent broiler breeders showed significantly higher (P<0.05) pre-slaughter weight and dressed carcass weight than broilers. Dressing percentage was non-significantly (P<0.05) higher in breeders. Cut-up parts yield revealed that neck, wing and breast percent yields were found non-significant between broiler and breeders. Percent yield of back was found higher in broilers where thigh and drumsticks were found significantly (p<0.05) higher in breeders. Meat: Bone: Skin with fat ratios revealed that high valued cuts (breast and legs) showed significantly high proportions of meat than bone. Values for lower valued cuts revealed almost equal proportions of lean and meat. Lean and bone ratios of entire Carcass revealed that breeders were significantly (p<0.05) having higher proportions of lean than bone when compared to broilers. The study was concluded as there is a good scope for utilization of spent broiler breeder’s meat for the preparation of different value added meat products where these birds are available at cheaper prices comparatively than broilers. Hence spent broiler breeder’s meat can be successfully and economically used for the processing.
How to cite this article:
N Anitha Reddy, M Shashi Kumar, K Kondal Reddy, VV Kulkarni, V Kesava Rao, N Krishnaiah, M Naveen Kumar Reddy, K Santhosh, A Shivaji. Studies on comparison of carcass composition of spent broiler breeders and commercial broilers. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(4):770-772.