Homeopathic medicines in Ukraine: Research of legislative support, range and economic availability
Tolochko VM, Adonkina VIu, Semchenko KV and Vakulenko DV
In recent years, in Ukraine, there has been an increase in attention to non-traditional methods of treatment, in particular to homeopathy, which syands out from all known medical systems by its special understanding of the disease and the way of its treatment. Homeopathy offers different approaches to stimulating and normalizing the body's protective forces, affecting the internal processes of self-regulation. For treatment, constitutional drugs that have an effective effect on the innate predisposition to the disease are used, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient, which is possible only through the use of homeopathic medicines (HoM), including extemporal manufacturing in the conditions of homeopathic pharmacies. Therefore, in order to identify and expand the possible positions of HoM, it is expedient to study the legislative support, the range and economic availability of ready-made HoM in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. In the course of the analysis, it was found that the range consists of HoM of 11 anatomical groups, which are represented in the vast majority with solid medicinal forms of foreign production, the share of which reaches 86%. The results of the analysis of the socioeconomic availability of ready-made HoM showed that virtually all of them are highly accessible to the Ukrainian patient. Only one medicine that has a solvency adequacy ratio of more than 15% and is used to treat a tuberculin constitution is not readily available to the average resident of Ukraine.
How to cite this article:
Tolochko VM, Adonkina VIu, Semchenko KV, Vakulenko DV. Homeopathic medicines in Ukraine: Research of legislative support, range and economic availability. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(4):762-766.