Effect of feeding differently processed complete rations on carcass characteristics in growing ram lambs
Raju J, Narasimha J, Nalini kumari N, Raghunanadan T, Chinni preetam V, Ashok kumar A and Parthasarathi T
The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of feeding differently processed (chaff, mash, expander extruder pellet and block) sorghum stover based complete rations on carcass characteristics and meat quality in growing ram lambs. Twenty four growing Nellore x Deccani cross ram lambs of 3-4 months old (14.50±0.41 kg b.wt.) were randomly distributed into four experimental groups of six animals each in a complete randomized design (CRD). The sorghum stover (SS) was incorporated in complete diets with roughage to concentrate ratio of 50:50 and were processed in to mash (SSM), expander extruder pellets (SSP) and blocks (SSB) and compared with chaffed SS (SSC) mixed with concentrate mixture (50 SS: 50 concentrate) in a growth trial for a period of 120 days in Nellore x Deccani cross ram lambs. The pre slaughter weight was significantly higher (P>0.05) in SSP ration compared to other three rations. However, the empty body weight and carcass weights were similar (P>0.05) among the rations. No significant differences were observed among the treatment groups for the carcass weight, dressing percentage, proportions of whole sale cuts, edible and inedible portions, yield of visceral organs, and per cent yield of bone, meat and fat and bone, meat ratio in different wholesale cuts as well as carcass and meat quality. Thus, it can be concluded that, processing of complete rations into mash, pellet and block could not influence the carcass characteristics and meat quality in growing ram lambs.
How to cite this article:
Raju J, Narasimha J, Nalini kumari N, Raghunanadan T, Chinni preetam V, Ashok kumar A, Parthasarathi T. Effect of feeding differently processed complete rations on carcass characteristics in growing ram lambs. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(4):674-678.