Effect of saline water on plasma Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu concentration and complete blood count in Murrah male calves
Preeti, Neelam Kewalramani, Jagish Kour Reen, Madhu Suman, Manjula Thakur, Rohit Kumar
Twenty growing male Murrah calves, with average body weight (kg) 220 ± 5, were randomly assigned to five treatments of water containing total dissolved solids (TDS; ppm) viz C=500; T1=2,000; T2=4,000; T3=6,000 and T4=8,000 at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal India. Animals were arranged in a randomized block design with 120-day experimental period. Blood for haematological parameters and plasma mineral concentration was taken at monthly interval. Plasma Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu concentration was not affected significantly (P>0.05) in different groups consuming water of different TDS saline water. The haematological parameters like haemoglobin, red blood cells count and white blood cells count were comparable among calves in treatment groups. It may be concluded from the results that TDS concentration upto 8000 ppm has no effect on plasma Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu concentration and haematological parameters
How to cite this article:
Preeti, Neelam Kewalramani, Jagish Kour Reen, Madhu Suman, Manjula Thakur, Rohit Kumar. Effect of saline water on plasma Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu concentration and complete blood count in Murrah male calves. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(4):448-451.