Original medicinal plant collection reduces nephrotoxicity of gentamicin in rats
Svitlana Marchyshyn, Oksana Doroshenko, Sofiia Nakonechna and Оlga Koyro
The nephroprotective properties of the infusion (1:10) of the original medicinal plant collection containing Polygoni avicularis herba, Fragariae herba, Juglandis folium, Uvae ursi folia, Urticae folia, Elymi repensis rhizomata et radices (25,0 for each) and Helichrysi arenarii flores (20,0), has been estimated on the model of gentamicin-induced renal injury in rats. It has been found out that the infusion possesses hypoazotemic, antiproteinuric activity under the water-loading test.The effects of the infusionat a dose of 5 ml/kg and 10 ml/kg were comparable with that of the comparison drug "Chophytol" at a dose of 100 mg/kg.
How to cite this article:
Svitlana Marchyshyn, Oksana Doroshenko, Sofiia Nakonechna, Оlga Koyro. Original medicinal plant collection reduces nephrotoxicity of gentamicin in rats. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(4):145-148.