Surgical management of ventral hernia (Hysterocele) in a doe: A case report
K Preethi, M Sravanti, V Gireesh Kumar and KBP Raghavender
A four year old non descriptive female goat was presented to the Teaching Veterinary clinical complex Hospital (TVCC) Rajendranagar, Hyderabad with a history of distended ventral abdominal wall and excessive enlargement of the udder. Clinical examination of swollen udder revealed fetal movements. Radiographic examination confirmed fetal skeleton in udder region and diagnosed as hysterocele. Cesarean section along with herniorraphy was performed and animal recovered uneventfully.
How to cite this article:
K Preethi, M Sravanti, V Gireesh Kumar, KBP Raghavender. Surgical management of ventral hernia (Hysterocele) in a doe: A case report. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(3):164-165.