A scale to measure the attitude of dairy farmers towards dairy animal welfare
NK Khyalia, BP Singh, Mahesh Chander, Rupasi Tiwari and AK Chaturvedani
Animal welfare has become an emotional and public policy issue and the concerns have increased worldwide in the past few decades. In developed countries consumer’s demands for higher standards of animal protection have incumbently led to policy-makers and legislators to respond accordingly. But in developing countries, it is still an issue of think forward. Present study made an attempt to develop an attitude scale to measure dairy farmers’ attitude towards dairy animal welfare using Likerts (1932) summated ratings method. Article describes in detail the methodological steps followed in the development of the scale. Scale so developed has a high reliability with the internal consistency coefficient being 0.83. The Content validity of the scale was also satisfactory. Further, this scale was used to collect the data from 160 dairy farmers of two districts (80 from each) in Rajasthan. Content validity of the scale is also satisfactory given the steps followed. The study has revealed that majority of the respondents from both the districts were having moderately favorable attitude towards dairy animal welfare.
How to cite this article:
NK Khyalia, BP Singh, Mahesh Chander, Rupasi Tiwari, AK Chaturvedani. A scale to measure the attitude of dairy farmers towards dairy animal welfare. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(12):401-404.