Expression profile of BMRPR1B gene in developing ovarian follicles of cross-bred Malabari goats
Abhina Mohanan, Bhuvana Plakkot and Raji Kanakkaparambil
The study was performed to compare the expression of BMPR1B gene in whole follicles as well as granulosa cells from developing follicles of cross-bred Malabari goats. The study was conducted in about 120 ovaries of the cross-bred Malabari breed of goats retrieved from abattoir. The follicles were classified into large (>3 mm), small (1-3 mm) and very small (<1mm) based on the measurements taken using Stereo Zoom Microscope. The small and large follicles were isolated based on size for RNA isolation. Granulosa cells were also collected from the follicles of the same category by the aspiration method. The expression studies were carried out by real-time PCR. When the study was in whole follicles, BMPR1B gene was found to be 0.40 folds (p < 0.05) down-regulated in large follicles when compared with the small antral follicle. However, the expression level of BMPR1B did not differ between the follicles of different sizes when granulosa cells were subjected to analysis. Therefore, it was concluded that all the compartments in the ovarian follicle contribute for BMPR1B expression and there was downregulation of the expression in this protein as the follicles develop to final stages.
How to cite this article:
Abhina Mohanan, Bhuvana Plakkot, Raji Kanakkaparambil. Expression profile of BMRPR1B gene in developing ovarian follicles of cross-bred Malabari goats. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(12):363-367.