Pharmacognostic studies of leaf and stem of Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze collected during Nakshatra days and normal days
Jyoti Pande, Savan Donga and Sumitra Chanda
Nature is bestowed with unimaginable wealth of medicinal plants, the healing property of which is known from time immemorial. According to Indian Astrology there are 27 Nakshatras or Constellations and each Nakshatra is associated with one particular plant known as Aaradhya Vriksha. It is also believed that the therapeutic efficacy of plants is best exhibited when they are collected during a particular Nakshatra. It is of utmost importance to lay down quality control parameters for authentication and prevent the plant from adulteration. In the present work, leaf and stem of Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze belonging to Labiatae family were collected during Magha Nakshatra days and normal days. Their pharmacognostic, physicochemical and phytochemical parameters were evaluated. The macroscopic, microscopic and powder studies of leaf and stem collected at Nakshatra days and normal days did not show any differences while physicochemical parameters (like ash values, moisture content, extractive values) and phytochemical analysis (different phytoconstituents) showed distinct differences. The extractive values and different phytoconstituents were considerably more in leaf and stem collected during Magha Nakshatra days than those collected during normal days. Finally, it can be concluded that the parameters evaluated in this study are diagnostic characteristic feature of L. bipinnata and they will act as reference standards for this plant and will help in its correct identification and help to maintain its therapeutic efficacy. The results also support the traditional belief that plants collected during a particular Nakshatra are therapeutically more potent than those collected during normal days.
How to cite this article:
Jyoti Pande, Savan Donga, Sumitra Chanda. Pharmacognostic studies of leaf and stem of <em>Lavandula bipinnata</em> (Roth) Kuntze collected during Nakshatra days and normal days. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(12):128-138.