Uterine torsion associated with posterior longitudinal presentation and lumbo-sacral position of the fetus in a buffalo
Abhishek Kumar, Brijesh Kumar, Nitish Singh Kharayat, Sushobhit Singh, Muzamil Rashid, Balamurugan B, Athanas Alex Ngou, Rohit Kurhe and Harendra Kumar
A 7 years old buffalo in its 4th parity was presented to Referral Veterinary Polyclinic with the history of completed gestation, inappetance and unable to proceed into calving inspite of straining and discomfort for the last 24-30 hours. The per-vaginal examination revealed post-cervical, right sided (clock-wise) uterine torsion greater than 180° but, lesser than 360°. Animal was casted in right lateral recumbency and detorsion attempt was made by modified schaffer’s method and after two rolls, torsion was relieved. Cervix was opened as revealed by per-vaginal examination and fetal disposition was checked. Fetus was in posterior longitudinal presentation, lumbo-sacral position with both hindlimbs extended in the birth canal as sole of the hooves was palpable, confirmed by palpating tail and anus of fetus and no fetal reflex was felt when finger was put in anus. However, with the help of obstetrical rope and hook, forced extraction was applied and a dead male fetus was extracted out. The animal was discharged on the same day after the treatment.
How to cite this article:
Abhishek Kumar, Brijesh Kumar, Nitish Singh Kharayat, Sushobhit Singh, Muzamil Rashid, Balamurugan B, Athanas Alex Ngou, Rohit Kurhe, Harendra Kumar. Uterine torsion associated with posterior longitudinal presentation and lumbo-sacral position of the fetus in a buffalo. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(11):540-541.