Bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity of 2, 4-D ethyl hexyl ester 60% EC in potato
Champak Kumar Kundu, Madhab Kumar Datta, Abisekh Labar, Utpal Biswas, Purnendu Sekhar Bera, Arindam Kundu and Kanu Murmu
A field experiment was carried out at Regional Research Station, BCKV, Gayeshpur during rabi season of 2014 and 2015 to find out the bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity of 2, 4-D Ethyl Hexyl Ester 60% EC in cultivated variety Kufri Jyoti of Potato. There were eight treatments i.e. weed management practices in the experiment and tested under Randomized Block Design with three replications. 2, 4 D EE 38% EC and different doses of 2,4-D Ethyl Hexyl Ester 60% EC as post emergence spray; Metribuzin 70% WP as pre emergence spray and hand weeding weeding were considered in the treatments. Twice hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAP recorded the highest weed control efficiency which is followed by 2, 4-D EHE 60% EC @ 0.576 a.i. kg/ha and 2, 4-D EHE 60% EC @ 0.432 a.i. kg/ha. No phytotoxicity effect was observed in potato by any of the treatments. The highest potato yield (24.53 t ha-1) was recorded in twice hand weeding which is statistically at par with 2,4-D EHE 60% EC @ 0.576 a.i. kg/ha (24.37 t ha-1). From the present experiment it can be concluded that the application of 2, 4-D EHE 60% EC @ 0.576 a.i. kg/ha as post emergence spray in potato would be beneficial practice to the farmer of West Bengal.
How to cite this article:
Champak Kumar Kundu, Madhab Kumar Datta, Abisekh Labar, Utpal Biswas, Purnendu Sekhar Bera, Arindam Kundu, Kanu Murmu. Bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity of 2, 4-D ethyl hexyl ester 60% EC in potato. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(11):445-447.