Effect of date of sowing and plant geometry on oil content of chia (Salvia hispanica L.)
Anjali Jingar, Surya Prakash Meena and Dr. Moola Ram
The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block design assigning date of sowing (Factor A), plant geometry (Factor B) with three replications to assess the effect of date of sowing and plant geometry on oil content of Chia. The experiment was conducted at Experimental farm, Agriculture Research Station, Mandor-Jodhpur (Agricultural University, Jodhpur) in the year 2016-17. Factor A consisted of Four date of sowing viz., 25th October (D1), 05th November (D2), 15th November (D3) and 25th November(D4) and factor B consisted of four plant geometry viz., 30 cm x 30 cm (P1), 45 cm x 30 cm (P2), 60 cm x 45 cm (P3) 90 cm x 45 cm (P4). Data on oil content revealed 25th October as best date of sowing of Chia and proclaimed highest values for oil content (31.81 %). on the other hand plant geometry of 45 cm x 30 cm (P2) also recorded highest values for oil content (26.05 %). The interaction effects due to date of sowing and plant geometry under study were not significant in respect of oil content of chia seed.
How to cite this article:
Anjali Jingar, Surya Prakash Meena, Dr. Moola Ram. Effect of date of sowing and plant geometry on oil content of chia (<em>Salvia hispanica</em> L.). Pharma Innovation 2018;7(11):418-420.