Population dynamics of white backed plant hopper and its correlation with weather parameters under staggered planting
D Sarkar, A Baliarsingh, S Pasupalak, HP Mishra, BS Rath, AKB Mohapatra, A Nanda and G Panigrahi
An experiment was conducted in Agrometeorology field, Central Research Farm, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology Bhubaneswar during 2017-2018, to study the population dynamics of White Backed Plant Hopper and its correlation with weather parameters under staggered planting with 12 dates starting from 16th July 2017 to 1st January 2018 at 15 days interval and three varieties such as Geetanjali, Poorna Bhog and Pusa sugandh –II. The incidence of WBPH was highest at vegetative stage of crop. WBPH occurrence was highest in 1st August planting date, and WBPH infestation was found positively correlated with both maximum, minimum temperature and sunshine. The WBPH peak Population was found at a maximum temperature from 27- 34 °C, minimum temperature of 11-260C, morning relative humidity 82-96% and evening relative humidity up to 85%. The infestation was preferred very less rainfall only upto 10 mm.
How to cite this article:
D Sarkar, A Baliarsingh, S Pasupalak, HP Mishra, BS Rath, AKB Mohapatra, A Nanda, G Panigrahi. Population dynamics of white backed plant hopper and its correlation with weather parameters under staggered planting. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(11):324-327.