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Vol. 7, Issue 11 (2018)

Predicting the effect of weather parameters on yield performance of rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) under different planting condition during kharif season

K Dileep, S Pasupalak and A Baliarsingh
A study was conducted to predict the effect of weather parameters on yield performance of rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) under different planting condition during kharif, 2016 at the research farm, College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar. The impact of weather parameters on rice yield was estimated by correlation analysis.
The experiment was laid out in a Split-Split Plot design in three replications with three establishment methods as main plot, two dates of sowing as sub plots and two varieties as Sub-Sub plot treatments. All the yield attributing characters i.e., number of panicles per m2, number of grains per panicle and 1000 grain weight (g) were more in puddled transplanting than unpuddled transplanting and direct seeding. The same treatment also produced maximum grain yield (3879 kg ha-1) and harvest index (HI) (61.52). Grain yield showed positive correlation with evaporation (0.840) and bright sunshine hours (BSH) (0.736), negative correlation with minimum temperature (-0.834), rainfall (-0.587), RH maximum (-0.692) and with RH minimum (-0.829) but grain yield did not show any correlation with maximum temperature.
Pages: 257-262  |  1051 Views  281 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
K Dileep, S Pasupalak, A Baliarsingh. Predicting the effect of weather parameters on yield performance of rice varieties (<em>Oryza sativa</em> L.) under different planting condition during <em>kharif </em>season. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(11):257-262.

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