Abstract:As soil salinity is a major abiotic stress limiting the crop production in rice, there is a necessity to develop a new salt tolerant rice cultivar through breeding methods. Here is a method consisting of BC3F2 generation with an objective to intro gress “Saltol” QTL for salinity tolerance in a rice variety of cotton Dora sannalu (MTU 1010), with FL478 (Pokkali) as donor, by the SSR markers RM10793 and AP3206 in recombinant selection.
After screening in foreground selection using RM10694 marker, further recombinant selection with RM10793 and AP3206 markers has been proceeded. The resultants selected from RM10793 and AP3206 markers are Double Recombinants. Selection of Double recombinants is necessary for selecting back cross progeny with the target gene and recombination events between the target locus and linked flanking markers on both the sides. After recombinant selection, the double recombinants were further subjected to phenol typing i.e., screening for salinity tolerance under hydroponics.