The effect of low serum vitamin d in pre-diabetic individuals
Chhavi Goel Manglik, Dr. CM Batra and BD Harplani
Diabetes and vitamin D are wide spread in the world. In order to control the incidences of vitamin D and diabetes we need to do certain amendments in diet and lifestyle. Low vitamin D levels give rise to insulin resistance. On correcting the serum vitamin D levels it is possible to either reverse the pre-diabetic state or delay the progression to diabetes in between the age of 15 to 55 years. The participants were briefed and taken the written consent from them. No one was obligated to be the part of the research. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were abstracted deliberately. The participants were lacking in vitamin D. Hence, they were prescribed the dose of vitamin D which was delivered either orally or in injectable form. The consequences of supplementation were incredible. It showed the reverse the pre-diabetic state to normal.
How to cite this article:
Chhavi Goel Manglik, Dr. CM Batra, BD Harplani. The effect of low serum vitamin d in pre-diabetic individuals. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(10):269-270.