A study on solid waste management and vector borne diseases (Dengue) control in polluted areas (Warangal City)
Vidyavathy K
Solid waste management is the most important in environment to keep clean of our surrounding. One of the most common problems associated with the poorly designed Landfills and poorly managed solid waste is that it leads to attraction of large number of vectors such as female s, Aedes egypti which is responsible for the proliferation of breeding sites of mosquitoes causing Vector borne diseases such as Dengue. In urban agglomeration, both man-made and other natural habitats form the mosquitogenic conditions conducive for the transmission of different vector-borne diseases. In urban area mosquito breeds mainly in drains, cesspits and cesspools containing domestic effluents and such habitats are extensive and diverse. This is due to insanitary conditions and environmental degradation. Lack of adequate housing, water supply, sanitation and solid waste management facilities, as well as knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) of the people are the major factors responsible for the proliferation of mosquitoes in the urban environment. The present study was carried out through survey and conducted for about 250 houses in six prone areas of vectors in Vijayawada. This study helped in detection of mosquitoes. Subsequently control measures were carried out in peri-domestic places.
How to cite this article:
Vidyavathy K. A study on solid waste management and vector borne diseases (Dengue) control in polluted areas (Warangal City). Pharma Innovation 2018;7(10):259-263.