Organizational and legal aspects of the use of Pharmacoeconomic analysis of multivitamin complexes for pharmaceutical provision of military personnel
Valentyn Shapovalov, Andriy Gudzneko, Valeriy Shapovalov and Viktoriya Shapovalova
The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine represented by a wide assortment of vitamins, in particular in the form of multivitamin complexes, which sold without a prescription. However, irrational and uncontrolled use of multivitamin complexes with high doses of vitamins can lead to overdose, the development of hypervitaminosis, hypermicroelementosis, imbalance of vitamins and even toxic effects. Pharmacoeconomic study of multivitamin complexes according to theATC code Ð11Ð’Ð for the pharmaceutical provision of military personnel was carried out based on ABC analysis, VEN-analysis and construction of the matrix of the consolidated ABC/VEN-analysis of multivitamin complexes. Established that the producers predominate in the most and the least expensive groups of multivitamin complexes. In addition, processed the share of cost indicators for multivitamin complexes.
How to cite this article:
Valentyn Shapovalov, Andriy Gudzneko, Valeriy Shapovalov, Viktoriya Shapovalova. Organizational and legal aspects of the use of Pharmacoeconomic analysis of multivitamin complexes for pharmaceutical provision of military personnel. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(10):166-169.