Biochemical constituents in the seminal plasma of NARI Suwarna strain of sheep
Prathibha kaimal R, Tandle MK, Srinivas reddy bellur, Usturge SM, Selvaraju S, vinay PT and Kartikesh SM
The present study was conducted in NARI Suwarna strain of sheep (60% Deccani, 30% Madgyal and 10% Garole) to find out the biochemical components of seminal plasma. Thirty six ejaculates were collected with an artificial vagina (AV) from all the six NARI Suwarna rams twice in a week and samples were centrifuged and seminal plasma was separated and stored at -200C till biochemical estimation. The seminal plasma samples were subjected for analysis of cholesterol, albumin, total proteins, calcium, potassium, sodium and chloride. The present findings of all the estimated proteins and minerals in seminal plasma are within normal range. The mean values for total proteins, albumins, sodium varied within the NARI Suwarna rams with significant difference. However, the mean values for cholesterol, calcium, potassium, sodium, chloride and pH did not differ.
How to cite this article:
Prathibha kaimal R, Tandle MK, Srinivas reddy bellur, Usturge SM, Selvaraju S, vinay PT, Kartikesh SM. Biochemical constituents in the seminal plasma of NARI Suwarna strain of sheep. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(10):143-145.