Impact of production technology on productivity and profitability of soybean under Kymore Plateau and Satpura hills Agro Climatic zone of Madhya Pradesh
Anuj Kumar Singh, SB Agrawal, BS Kirar, TR Sharma, Anay Rawat and Mohammad Imran Khan
The Front line Demonstration undertaking the basic principle of extension education “Learning by doing and seeing is believing” are back bone of the transfer to technology. The present study was undertaken in Kymore plateau and satpura hills of Madhya Pradesh under Krishi vigyan Kendra Chhindwara, Betul and Panna districts. Eight villages were selected from identified districts. The study was carried out to know the yield gaps between improved package and practices (IP) and framers practice (FP) of soybean crop. The yield of soybean in IP under different conditions ranges from 15.85 to 20.58 q/ha, whereas, in FP ranges from 11.2 to 16.55 q/ha. The 22 to 67.85 percent increase in yield with IP over FP was recorded. The extension gap ranging between 3.7 – 7.6 q/ha during the period of study. The trend to technology gap reflected the farmer’s cooperation in carrying out such demonstrations with encouraging results in subsequent years. The cost benefit ratio was 1.31 to 3.69 under demonstration, while it was 0.78 to 2.80 under control plots.
How to cite this article:
Anuj Kumar Singh, SB Agrawal, BS Kirar, TR Sharma, Anay Rawat, Mohammad Imran Khan. Impact of production technology on productivity and profitability of soybean under Kymore Plateau and Satpura hills Agro Climatic zone of Madhya Pradesh. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(10):82-84.