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Vol. 7, Issue 10 (2018)

Effect of integrated nitrogen management and planting techniques on the productivity and economics of rain fed pearlmillet + greengram intercropping

Virendra Kumar, RP Singh, Santosh Kumar, UN Shukla and Dinesh Kumar
Field experiments were conducted at the Agricultural Research Farm, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U. P. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design consisting 24 treatment combinations replicated thrice. The treatments comprised of four planting techniques viz. uniform row, paired row, ridge-furrow and raised bed system and six integrated nitrogen management practices viz. 100% RDN (IF) to pearlmillet + no fertilizer to greengram, 100% RDN (IF) to pearlmillet + 100% RDF (IF) to greengram, 25% RDN (IF) + 25% RDN (VC) to pearlmillet + 100% RDF (IF) to greengram, 50% RDN (IF) + 25% RDN (VC) to pearlmillet + 100% RDF (IF) to greengram, 75% RDN (IF) + 25% RDN (VC) to pearlmillet +100% RDF (IF) to greengram and 100% RDN (IF) + 25% RDN (VC) to pearlmillet + 100% RDF (IF) to greengram. Raised bed system being at par with ridge-furrow system showed its significant superiority over paired row and uniform row system in respect of yield attributes, yield, LER, MAI and economics. Application of 100% RDN (IF) + 25% RDN (VC) to pearlmillet + 100% RDF (IF) to greengram was found significantly most effective in increasing yield attributes, yield, economics and productivity over others treatments.
Pages: 67-70  |  1056 Views  108 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Virendra Kumar, RP Singh, Santosh Kumar, UN Shukla, Dinesh Kumar. Effect of integrated nitrogen management and planting techniques on the productivity and economics of rain fed pearlmillet + greengram intercropping. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(10):67-70.

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