Abstract:Recently, the significant prevalence of the comorbid pathology and its constant increase is observed, that is caused by the ageing of people, the environmental unfavourable factors impact, urbanization, hypodynamia, irrational nutrition, the violation of the working regime and rest, that is actual problem for studying in modern medical sphere.
The cross-fertility of pathogenetic factors in the development of these diseases leads to the development and justification of rational therapeutic tactics. All this determines the relevance of this study, which is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of treatment of patients with chronic bronchitis in combination with gastroesophageal reflux disease on the basis of studying their pathogenetic links of development and substantiation of pharmacological correction of treatment.
The purpose of this study was to study the clinical pathogenetic features of the course of chronic bronchitis against the background of aggravating accompanying gastroesophageal reflux disease. According to the results obtained, patients with HB with concomitant GERD noted 2.25 times more heartburn than patients of the comparison group, productive cough with purulent secretion was diagnosed in patients with HB with concomitant GERD in 2.28 times more often than in patients with a comparison group.
Consequently, when combined with HB and GERD, there is a mutual contraction syndrome, which leads to significant difficulties in choosing a rational diagnostic and therapeutic tactic.