A front line demonstration on successful treatment of mastitis in dairy cows using ethno veterinary medicine
M Sakthi Priya and B Mohan
A Front Line Demonstration for treating mastitis cows with ethno veterinary medicine was undertaken by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Namakkal for the farmers reporting to the Kendra, in the NICRA village and as well as in the cases reporting to the Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Namakkal. The cows which were in the acute stage of mastitis were selected and the symptoms exhibited were pyrexia with restricted feed intake, swollen udder and serous discharge from the affected quarter with sour taste of milk and a sudden drop in milk production. After physical examination of the udder, the milk was completely drained from the udder and was washed with ordinary tap water and an ethno veterinary medicine paste of Aloe vera (250g), Turmeric (50g) and Calcium oxide (10g) was applied over the entire udder. The farmers were advised to go for six to seven applications daily by making fresh preparation every time for five days.
How to cite this article:
M Sakthi Priya, B Mohan. A front line demonstration on successful treatment of mastitis in dairy cows using ethno veterinary medicine. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(1):518-520.