Development of soy incorporated chocolate flavored chhana podo
Author(s): Iranna Ambannavar, SK Aktar Hossain and Shanker Suwan Singh
Abstract: Chhana podois a popular traditional dairy product of Odisha state. It is milk based indigenous dairy product that is prepared by baking. During the preparation of chhana podo two different types of cow milk and soy milk ratio was used i.e. (40:10), (30:20) and (25:25) indicated as T1, T2 & T3 respectively, T0 being the control sample with no soy milk. Soy milk and cow milk was standardized to 4% fat and 8.5% SNF for manufacturing chhana. The treatments were evaluated for various Physico-chemical, sensory and parameters. The Organoleptic characteristics like (flavor, color and appearance, body and texture and overall acceptability) for all treatment were evaluated by trained panelist using 9 point hedonic scale. After sensory evaluation of T2, average score for flavor is 8.24, color and appearance is 8.14 body and texture is 7.68 and over all acceptability is (7.98). The highest value for overall acceptability was observed in treatment (T2) with cow milk: soy milk in ratio of (30:20). Soy incorporated chocolate flavored chhana podo was best Organoleptic evaluation. The chemical evaluation of best rated podo were T2 protein (18.2%), fat (23.97%) ash (1.36%), moisture (31.78%), carbohydrate (24.80 %), acidity (0.55) & pH (5.50) as comparable to control without adversely affecting the sensory parameters. analysis parameters were analyzed by two way ANOVA to obtain a predicted optimum result. Prepared podo was subjected to chemical, sensory and analysis to evaluate the suitability of podo for consumption. Based on the results it was indicated that beneficial components of cow milk and soy milk made them more favorable choice for food technologist to develop soy incorporated chocolate flavored chhana podo especially for protein disease patients.