Pharmacognostical study of Phyllanthus reticulatus: A tribal drug
V Manjula and T Selvin Jebaraj Norman
Medicinal plants occupy a very important place throughout the world. There are multipotential plants like Phyllanthus reticulatus which has the capacity to cure many ailments. The tribal community Malasar of Nilgiri Biosphere are efficient healers and they use this plant to cure any ailments. Malasars are highly respectable tribe in this locality, owing to the traditional knowledge they possess about the medicinal values of specific medicinal plants grown in their ecosystem. In this research paper the pharmacognostical study of this plant is done. The medicinal properties of this plant may be due to many phytochemicals which are present in the plant. Case studies have been taken to analyse the efficiency of the plant. The interview and discussion with the traditional healers and their clients proved the medicinal value of Phyllanthus reticulatus. Hence suitable measures should be taken for ensuring need based use of this valuable species and to preserve the same in its natural habitat by making use of the traditional knowledge from the tribal healers.
How to cite this article:
V Manjula, T Selvin Jebaraj Norman. Pharmacognostical study of Phyllanthus reticulatus: A tribal drug. Pharma Innovation 2017;6(9):107-109.