Vagus indigestion in bovines: A review in historical perspective
Syed Ashaq Hussain, SK Uppal, Tufail Hussain, SU Nabi, SA Beigh and Sharjeel Ashraf
In 1940, Hoflund, in his experimental study, produced chronic indigestion in cattle simulating functional stomach disorders after selective vagotomy. Hoflund concluded that injury to the vagus nerve was the main etiological factor for the production of chronic indigestion and hence coined the term ‘vagal indigestion.’ After the name of the scientist, vagal indigestion is also referred to as Hoflund syndrome. The causes of vagus indigestion are numerous but currently, reticular adhesions or vagal nerve injury due to traumatic reticuloperitonitis is considered to be the most common cause. The typical clinical symptoms are progressive abdominal distension resulting into papple shaped abdomen, dehydration and scanty faeces. The common biochemical alteration is metabolic alkalosis with hypokalemia and hypochloremia. In this review article, the authors have summed up the historical and current perspectives of vagus indigestion in cattle and buffaloes.
How to cite this article:
Syed Ashaq Hussain, SK Uppal, Tufail Hussain, SU Nabi, SA Beigh, Sharjeel Ashraf. Vagus indigestion in bovines: A review in historical perspective. Pharma Innovation 2017;6(12):157-163.