Clinical management of generalized and podo demodicosis in German shepherd dog
Sathish Kaplaywar, Jyothi J and GS Sreenivasa Murthy
A male German shepherd dog about 18 months old was presented to the Campus Veterinary Hospital Rajendranagar, with a history of diffused alopecia, pustules and itching all over the body. Clinical examination revealed rough hair coat and alopecic patches, subsequently deep skin scrapings were collected with Scalpel and digested with 10 % KOH and diagnosed as Demodex canis. The lesions of the dog was washed with benzyl peroxide and treated with Ivermectin @ 400 µg/kg s/c at every week interval & Amitraz @ 4ml/litre of water twice weekly for 4 weeks. During the due course Ceftriaxone @ 30 mg/kg once a day per oral for 10 days were administered to prevent Secondary bacterial infection. An uneventful recovery was observed after therapy and full recovery was observed after 45 days from the date of first injection. Two successive deep skin scraping examination after one week interval of last injection yielded no mites, considered complete recovery from the Demodicosis.
How to cite this article:
Sathish Kaplaywar, Jyothi J, GS Sreenivasa Murthy. Clinical management of generalized and podo demodicosis in German shepherd dog. Pharma Innovation 2017;6(11):829-831.