Abstract:Objective: The present study was investigated the Neuro-protective effect of
Bacopa monnieri against alcohol-induced oxidative stress and tissue damage.
Design: This is a prospective animal study in which brain lipid peroxidation (MDA) and Na+/K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ATPases(membrane bound enzymes) were demolished by alcohol consumption and restored with Bacopa monnieri administration. We supplemented rats with Bacopa monnieri for six weeks to evaluate the Neuroprotective effect against alcohol oxidative stress.
Methods: Twenty-four Wistar strain rats were divided into 4 equal groups: Normal control (NC), Alcohol treated (At), Bacopa monnieri treated (BM.t) and alcohol plus Bacopa monnieri treated (At + BM.t). Bacopa monnieri was given to the At group for six weeks and brain ascorbic acid, uric acid, MDA levels and membrane bound enzymes were assayed.
Results: Brain ascorbic acid, uric acid, Na+/K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ATPases activities were significantly (P > 001) decreased, whereas malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were elevated in alcohol treated group. However, Bacopa monnieri extract supplementation to the alcohol treated rats reversed these effects and attained the ascorbic acid, uric acid, MDA levels and Na+/K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ATPases activities to normal levels. Furthermore, degenerative changes in brain with alcohol treatment were minimized to nearness in architecture by Bacopa monnieri supplementation.
Conclusions: This study concludes that alcohol-induced neuro-toxicity was attenuated by Bacopa monnieri extract treatment, thus Bacopa monnieri can used as a regular nutrient to protect the neurodegenerative diseases.