Abstract:The present investigation were conducted at Dr. PDKV, Akola for module based management of
Helicoverpa armigera of pigeon pea. The four modules
viz., Chemical module-I, (first spray of azadirachtin 10,000 ppm, at 50 percent flowering, second spray of emamectin benzoate 5%SG, 15 days after 1st spray, third spray of deltamethrin 1% + trizophos 35%, 15 days after 2nd spray). Chemical module-II, (first spray of profenophos 50 EC at bud initiation stage, second spray of flubendiamide 20 WDG at 50 percent flowering, third spray of indoxacarb 15.8 EC at 15 days after 50 percent flowering). Bio-control module, (first spray of azadirachtin 10000 ppm at bud initiation stage, second spray of HaNPV @ 500 LE/HA + Silver nano particle at 50 percent flowering, third spray of spinosad 45 SC @ at 15 days after 50 percent flowering) and IPM module (Ploughing in summer, Removal and destruction of stubbles, Removal of alternate hosts, Seed treatment with
Trichoderma, Mechanical collection of larvae and spraying of recommended insecticides at ETL if needed) and an untreated control were tested.
The observations on the effect of modules on larval population of H. armigera were found statistically significant. However, the Chemical module-II (M2) recorded minimum population of H. armigera i.e. 0.28 larvae per plant and emerged as most effective module and was found significantly superior over all other modules. It was followed by the Chemical module-I (recording 0.44 larvae of H. armigera per plant), which recorded statistically significant differences over the IPM module (M4) and Bio-control module (M3).
However, IPM module (M4) and Bio-control module (M3) recorded 0.58 and 0.61 H .armigera larvae per plant and were significantly superior over an untreated control, but module M1, M2 and M3 showed statistical similarity with each other. While, an untreated control (M5) recorded highest population i.e. 1.13 larvae per plant.