Marketing communication and digital technology innovative instruments in promoting pharmaceutical brands in Ukraine and their efficiency estimation
Angela Olkhovska and Olkhovska AB
The article systematizes the innovative instruments of marketing communications and digital technologies that are expedient for stakeholders of Ukrainian pharmaceutical market to apply in promoting medicines, pharmaceutical products and brands given the current state of informational-communicational environment in Ukraine. The place of Ukraine in the world-wide Internet environment as well as the level of informational access to the Internet of Ukrainian pharmacy and pharmaceutical enterprises have been analyzed. The main promotional instruments in social media have been determined; their practical importance for pharmaceutical market stakeholders has been substantiated. The case study of individual pharmaceutical market stakeholders has allowed analyzing their presence in social networks, estimating the popularity of the above networks with the stakeholders as well as substantiating scientific and practical application of certain marketing efficiency evaluation practices and their presence in social media.
How to cite this article:
Angela Olkhovska, Olkhovska AB. Marketing communication and digital technology innovative instruments in promoting pharmaceutical brands in Ukraine and their efficiency estimation. Pharma Innovation 2016;5(9):38-43.