Tinospora cordifolia; A Pharmacological Update
Mathew George, Lincy Joseph, Minu Mathew
The present review gives information regarding the morphological, phytochemical and pharmacology aspects of Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi). It is a plant of significant medicinal importance in the indigenous systems of medicine and designated as Rasayana and it forms an important drug of the Ayurvedic Medicine. All the parts of this plant are reported for various ethnobotanical and therapeutic uses. It is prescribed for many diseases such as general debility, fever, diabetes, dyspepsia, urinary infections, jaundice and skin diseases. Vegetative aerial parts, viz. leaves, stem and aerial root were collected in various seasons and studied for macroscopical, anatomical, physicochemical and phytochemical studies. Microscopically leaf of T. cordifolia showed presence of anomocytic stomata, unicellular trichomes. Stem showed wheel shaped appearance at the transverse cut surface, a peculiar characteristic feature of the family Menispermaceae. Stem and aerial root exhibit abundant mucilage canals, dense ceratenchyma and characteristics wedge shaped medullary rays. Phytochemically, the various extracts showed the presence of diverse phytochemicals such as alkaloids, glycosides, polyphenols, steroids, tannins, etc. Leaf of T. cordifolia showed the maximum concentration of sugar, starch, flavonoids, phenolic, and tannin content as compare to aerial roots and stem. Tinosporaside and berberine were evaluated as biomarkers for the plant T. cordifolia using TLC fingerprinting.
How to cite this article:
Mathew George, Lincy Joseph, Minu Mathew. Tinospora cordifolia; A Pharmacological Update. Pharma Innovation 2016;5(7):108-111.