Abstract:Brand is one of the most important tools for difference and use to gain the competitive advantage. The contact of sponsorship and endorsement of prescription drugs is impact on the physician’s choice behavior. Regardless of doing anything for the quality and efficacy of the drug in patients’ care point of view; most of the companies rely on the betterment of the marketing strategies to sell their medicine.
The study aim is to explore the reasons of brand switching and brand preference of prescription medicines near the Physicians and Pharmacists who are working in the hospitals and pharmaceuticals companies of Karachi.
In order to conduct this study, data is collected from 30 respondents, 15 from physicians and 15 from pharmacists from these two sectors of Karachi. This is an exploratory research.
Data source is primary and collected in the form of in-depth audio recorded interviews. After transcribing each respondent’s opinion relevant themes came out addressing the research objective.
This is suggestive evidence that the doctors in the Karachi setting recommend expensive brand names if they offer incentives. Our results also suggest that quality, cost, source of material, manufacturing practices, experience of the physicians, allergic reaction and aggressive marketing are the factors which influence doctors to prescribe medicines. The best way to promote medicines is organize informatory seminars and research related information to the doctors.