Hypolipidemic activity of Murraya koenigii in Alloxan induced Diabetic rats
Bhopal Chandra V, Madhavulu Buchineni, BL Kudagi, Pathapati Rama Mohan, M Haritha and Anjani Devi N
Type-2 diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by persistent hyperglycemia, abnormal lipid, carbohydrate and proteins metabolism. Murraya koenigii is known for its widespread use as spice/herb in Indian dishes and its therapeutic uses in Ayurveda. We studied the hypolipidemic activity of Murraya koenigii in alloxan induced diabetic rats. The study was conducted using eighteen wister rats of 180-250 g. Diabetes was induced by administration of 150 g/kg intraperitoneal alloxan. Animals were separated into three groups with six animals in each group. One group received saline and served as controls, whereas other two groups received Atorvastatin 10mg/kg/PO and Murraya koenigii at a dose of 200 mg/kg/PO for one week. Diagnostic reagent kit was used to estimate plasma glucose concentration, Plasma triglyceride concentration, and total cholesterol concentration. Statistical values were expressed as mean ± SEM. One-way ANOVA analyzed inferential statistics between mean. A two-tailed p-value was considered statistically significant. Administration of the test drug Murraya koenigii produced statistically significant reduction in the Triglycerides level (p<0.0001) which was 125.6 before treatment and reduced to 114.5 after treatment. Whereas the cholesterol level was 135.8 before treatment and reduced to 123 after treatment (p<0.0001). Aqueous leaf extract of Murraya koenigii has shown the hypolipidemic effect in diabetic rats which is comparable to Atorvastatin. Thus our study concludes, Murraya koenigii may have beneficial effects in the management of dyslipidemia in type -2 DM. The existing literature and easy availability of M. koenigii in India thus make it a smart lead molecule for further clinical research.
How to cite this article:
Bhopal Chandra V, Madhavulu Buchineni, BL Kudagi, Pathapati Rama Mohan, M Haritha, Anjani Devi N. Hypolipidemic activity of Murraya koenigii in Alloxan induced Diabetic rats. Pharma Innovation 2016;5(5):101-103.