Pilot research of antimicrobial characteristics of pectin-containing compositions for healing wounds after teeth extraction
Kutsyk Roman Volodymyrovych, Kosenko Svitlana Valentynivna, Haioshko Olena Bohdanivna
To tackle the problem of keeping a look-out for the patients who are in need of teeth extracting it is important to start with the doctor’s decision-making about it. It is a vital issue in Ukraine as it includes a lot of population. In our country the problem is not tackled positively because the predominant majority of scientists and doctors concentrate on the very procedure of extracting and medicine application after operating the patients on. There are the issues of medicine staying in the specific medium of oral cavity. The preliminary preoperative period of teeth extraction with following infection of oral cavity is out of note. The antiseptic medicines used five years ago considerably have reduced for different reasons [3]. At present it could be held only the preparation for the extracting of peccant teeth at the best but the medicines have been withdrawn from the sale. That is why considering the needs of the society it is still topical to develop the antimicrobial means for oral cavity to provide the market to the full extent with the necessary antiseptic and hygienic – prophylactic medicines for the doctors and patients to use aiming at the hygiene of oral cavity and preventing from the complications in postoperational period. The given article is sequels of investigation series of development the industrial samples of antimicrobial means without antiseptic medicines and antibiotics. It has been developed the stomatological bandage with prolonged staying in the extracted alveolar socket. The base of medicines being under development is apple pectin. The pectin substances are widely used in pharmacology, cosmetology and food industry. They have their own sense in every scientific branch being natural, non-toxic, high-molecular anion polysaccharides [3]. It should be noted that apple pectin is the only one in Ukraine validated as an additional pharmacopeial medical drug.
How to cite this article:
Kutsyk Roman Volodymyrovych, Kosenko Svitlana Valentynivna, Haioshko Olena Bohdanivna. Pilot research of antimicrobial characteristics of pectin-containing compositions for healing wounds after teeth extraction. Pharma Innovation 2016;5(5):70-75.