Novel Interleukin 17 Antibody Quickly Reduces Psoriasis and also its role in immunity and inflammation
Dr. DN. Tibarewala, Dr. Sukumar Roy, Dr. Partha Majumder
Interleukin are a group of cytokines (secreted proteins and signal molecules) that were first seen to be expressed by white blood cells (leukocytes)
The function of the immune system depends in a large part on interleukins, and rare deficiencies of a number of them have been described, all featuring autoimmune diseases or immune deficiency. The majority of interleukins are synthesized by helper CD4 T lymphocytes, as well as through monocytes, macrophages, and endothelial cells. They promote the development and differentiation of T and B lymphocytes, and hematopoietic cells. Interleukin 17 (IL-17) is a potent proinflammatory cytokine produced by activated memory T cells. The IL-17 family is thought to represent a distinct signaling system that appears to have been highly conserved across vertebrate evolution.
Interleukin 17 (IL-17) and its closest relative, IL-17F, have recently drawn much attention in the field of immunology. IL-17 and IL-17F are expressed by a distinct type of T cells, T helper 17 cells and certain other lymphocytes. These cytokines play key regulatory roles in host defense and inflammatory diseases. In this review, we summarize the recent findings in IL-17 biology and the progress towards understanding the regulatory mechanisms of IL-17 expression and signaling mechanisms. This knowledge will benefit the development of novel immune modulators that enhance immunity to various infections and reduce inflammatory damage in infected patients
How to cite this article:
Dr. DN. Tibarewala, Dr. Sukumar Roy, Dr. Partha Majumder. Novel Interleukin 17 Antibody Quickly Reduces Psoriasis and also its role in immunity and inflammation. Pharma Innovation 2016;5(5):14-20.