Standardization of herbal drugs: An overview
Mr. Shailesh. L Patwekar, Suryawanshi Arvind B, Gaikwad Manoj S, Pedewad Snehal R, Potulwar Ashwini P
The use of herbal drugs as medicine is the ancients form of health care known to delicacy and it is used in all cultures throughout history. The primeval persons learned by trial and error basis to identified beneficial plants. The identification of purely active moiety is an important requirement for Quality control and dose determination of plant related dugs. Standardization of herbal drugs means confirmation of its identity, Quality and purity. The present overview covers the standardization parameters with their standards value of the some herbal drugs
How to cite this article:
Mr. Shailesh. L Patwekar, Suryawanshi Arvind B, Gaikwad Manoj S, Pedewad Snehal R, Potulwar Ashwini P. Standardization of herbal drugs: An overview. Pharma Innovation 2016;5(4):100-104.