Rheological properties of emulgel formulations based on different gelling agent
I.I. Berdey, O.I. Voyt
This study was conducted to determine the viscoelastic properties and rheological characterization of some emulgel formulations that includes gelling agents from different groups: natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic. The first step of semisolid drugs development is a selection of appropriate base, thru the large range of bases an emulgel is one of most prefered. In case of pharmaceutical forms, emulgels are emulsions that are gelled by mixing with a gelling agent; they possess advantages of both emulsions and gels. Briefly, advantages of emulgels are ease of spreadability, convenience of viscosity and appearance and emollient effect. Gelling agent has a appreciable influence on rheological properties of emulgels. The prepared emulgels exhibited non-Newtonian shear thinning behavior with thixotropy. Four emulgels showed excellent stability as they demonstrated consistent rheological model under different treatment conditions.
How to cite this article:
I.I. Berdey, O.I. Voyt. Rheological properties of emulgel formulations based on different gelling agent. Pharma Innovation 2016;5(4):76-79.