Influence of polar extractants on optimization of bas release from herbal raw material
Тkachuk О Yu, Vyshnevska LI, Zubchenko ТN
Investigations have been conducted on the extraction of raw materials composition of wild carrot seeds, chamomile flowers, corn columns with stigmas, corn oil after humidification of raw by various concentrations of ethyl alcohol 40, 70, 90, 96. The role of a polar extractant has been studied for optimization of release process of initial biological active substances of hydrophilic and lipophilic nature. Increase of yield of biological active substances has been reached while humidification of herbal raw by aqueous-alcoholic extractants.
How to cite this article:
Тkachuk О Yu, Vyshnevska LI, Zubchenko ТN. Influence of polar extractants on optimization of bas release from herbal raw material. Pharma Innovation 2016;5(2):12-14.