Ä€bzan (Sitz bath) - An effective mode of treatment in ʹIlÄj bit TadbÄ«r (Regimenal Therapy)
Mohd Nayab
Unani System of Medicine has four modes of treatment and these are; ʹIlÄj bil GhizÄ (Dietotherapy), ʹIlÄj bit TadbÄ«r (Regimenal Therapy), ʹIlÄj bid DawÄ (Pharmacotherapy) and ʹIlÄj bil Yad (Surgery). Ilaj bit TadbÄ«r is a mode of treatment which works on the principle of modification or modulation in AsbÄb sitta á¸arÅ«riya (Six Essential Factors) for gaining health in sick persons or preventing from diseases in normal individuals. ʹIlÄj bit TadbÄ«r includes a number of therapeutic interventions such as HijÄmah (Cupping Therapy), Irsal-i-ʹAlaq (Leech Therapy), Fasd (Venesection), Dalk (Massage), NutÅ«l (Irrigation), Ä€bzan (Sitz bath) etc. Among these, Äbzan is a novel, simple, safe, economic, non-invasive and effective external mode of treatment for various disorders. It is basically a type of bath in which only buttock and hips are immersed in the water, either plain or medicated (JoshÄnda or KhaisÄnda) for therapeutic purposes. Sometimes, a whole body upto shoulder is immersed into the water. This regimen is used to relieve discomfort and pain in the lower as well as upper parts of the body, for example, haemorrhoids, uterine cramps, inflammatory bowel disease, an episiotomy, infections of bladder, prostate, vagina etc. Ä€bzan also provides relief from itching in genital area. Even though no scientific evidence is available to indicate that Äbzan can promote faster healing but it is widely described in unani system of medicine for various body ailments.
How to cite this article:
Mohd Nayab. Ä€bzan (Sitz bath) - An effective mode of treatment in ʹIlÄj bit TadbÄ«r (Regimenal Therapy). Pharma Innovation 2016;5(12):45-49.