Abstract:The analysis of the structure and results of surgical treatment of 56 patients who were hospitalized in the department of vascular surgery Lviv regional hospital for the period 1995 to 2015. Among the 31 case of this disease carotid body tumors (1st study group) and 25 cases (2nd control group) with other tumors of the neck. In first group structure surgery were: tumor removal and suturing of the vascular wall defects - 76%, resection and shortening of the common carotid artery - 21% expansion of the internal carotid artery - 3%, ligation of the external carotid artery - 10%, lymphadenectomy - 28%, prosthetic vascular wall - 3%, the tumor resection - 3%, internal jugular vein ligation - 7%, fragment excision muscle - 3%, nerve resection - 14%. In the second group of surgery were: tumor removal and suturing of the vascular wall defects - 96%, lymphadenectomy - 48% tumor resection - 30%, internal jugular vein ligation - 14%, fragment excision muscle - 4%, nerve resection - 13%. In group 1 intraoperative complications were observed in 1 (3.4%) cases that manifested massive bleeding from the tumor. In the postoperative complications were observed in 1 (3.4%) cases, there was cerebral ischemia. In 1 (3.4%) cases relapse after 9 years.
Conclusion: Clinic experience shows that surgery is an effective treatment for carotid body tumor and tumors with invasion into vessels of the neck, providing a low rate of complications, a full recovery or long-term remission.