Activity dynamics of liver secretory enzymes in the blood serum of the patients with generalized periodontitis on a background of hepatobiliary system chronic pathology under the influence of combined treatment
Kashivska RS, Rozhko ММ, Melnychuk GМ, Mishchuk VG
The article presents data of the completed prospective clinical, controlled, parallel, longitudinal, public research of 126 patients (age of 22-44): 23 with the healthy periodontal without somatic diseases (control group) and 103 patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of the I degree (32 – without pathology of internal organs, 49 – with concomitant cryptogenic hepatitis and 22 – with concomitant sub compensated liver cirrhosis). We studied the secretory liver enzymes activity (cholinesterase and ceruloplasmin) in the blood serum and there changes under the influence of the combined treatment, conducted for 17 patients with generalized periodontitis without concomitant pathology and 29 patients with generalized periodontitis with concomitant cryptogenic hepatitis. An amino acid with antioxidant and hepatotropic action and mineral-vitamin complex were prescribed endogenously. An initial periodontal therapy, antiseptic medication and extemporaneous mixture of the same amino acid and enterosorbent were prescribed topically. During the data processing using package "Statistika 6,0" Microsoft Excel 2010 the parametric methods of descriptive statistics were used. In patients with generalized periodontitis without concomitant pathology the cholinesterase activity was unchanged in comparison with indicators of healthy people and in the case of comparison with cryptogenic hepatitis and sub compensated liver cirrhosis - significantly reduced (р1<0,001). The difference in data in patients with generalized periodontitis without and with concomitant diseases was authentic (р2<0,001). In combination of generalized periodontitis with sub compensated liver cirrhosis decrease in cholinesterase activity was the highest and other than indicators of generalized periodontitis and cryptogenic hepatitis (р3<0,001). The ceruloplasmin activity increased especially during concomitant liver disease (р1<0,005; р1<0,001). The difference in ceruloplasmin activity in combination with generalized periodontitis with liver pathology and data of patients without concomitant pathology was authentic (р2<0,001), as of the indicators in the case of generalized periodontitis on the background of sub compensated liver cirrhosis and generalized periodontitis in combination with cryptogenic hepatitis (р3<0,05). After the treatment the cholinesterase activity increased achieving the rate of healthy in patients with generalized periodontitis without concomitant pathology. The cholinesterase activity was well regulated during simultaneous generalized periodontitis and cryptogenic hepatitis, the difference in data before the treatment was authentic (р1<0,01), and the difference of healthy people indicators –insignificant (р2>0,05). The regulation of ceruloplasmin activity in patients with generalized periodontitis without somatic diseases was achieved by the treatment (р2>0,05). It also significantly reduced (р1<0,05) during generalized periodontitis on the background of cryptogenic hepatitis, however the difference of healthy people indicators was significant (р2<0,005).
How to cite this article:
Kashivska RS, Rozhko ММ, Melnychuk GМ, Mishchuk VG. Activity dynamics of liver secretory enzymes in the blood serum of the patients with generalized periodontitis on a background of hepatobiliary system chronic pathology under the influence of combined treatment. Pharma Innovation 2015;4(9):06-09.