Abstract:Background: Anxiety disorders are blanket terms covering several different forms of abnormal and pathological fear and anxiety which only came under the aegis of psychiatry at the very end of the 19th century. The author emphasizes that a certain level of anxiety can cause many disease. It is good that one learns how to control anxiety or at least reduce it by a progressive muscle relaxation technique
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique on anxiety among institutionalized elderly residing at selected old age homes.
Materials and methods: Evaluative research approach was used. A quasi-experimental design was used for the study on 50 samples among institutionalized elderly residing at selected old age homes. The data was collected by using Standard Geriatric Assessment Scale and structured socio demographic questionnaire. Frequency, distribution analysis was performed.
Result: Out of 50 subjects 34 (68%) elderly have severe anxiety, 1 (2%) has moderate anxiety, 7 (14%) has mild anxiety and 8 (16%) has minimum anxiety among institutionalized elderly and in pretest mean 3.2 ± 1.2 which is extremely significant with P Value < 0.0001
Conclusion: Finding of study imply that institutionalized elderly are having severe anxiety. Non-pharmacological anxiety should be emphasized in nursing curriculum to provide complementary therapies to the elderly.