Hypoglycemic complications with diabetes mellitus management: the predominant adverse drug reaction presenting to the accident and emergency patient of Birdem hospital Dhaka, Bangladesh
Md. Ashrafudoulla, Sayed Sakib Faisal, Md. Rezaul Kairm, Sm Faysal Bellah
To find out maximum benefits of drug therapy adverse drug reactions (ADRs) evaluation is important. This study was done to assess the types of ADRs presenting to the Accident and Emergency department (A&E) of the Birdem Hospital of the Bangladesh. About 19 weeks were needed for this study and the patients logbooks were the main source for collecting information. This study mainly focused on the patient logbook, medical report, doctor’s information and the collecting data from the hospital. To confirm the occurrence of ADRs and the suspected drug of the 11500 admissions to A&E. About 35(0.3%) were found who were related to ADRs and most of them were females consisting mean age (± standard error) was 52.5 (± 5) years medical records of patients with suspected. ADRs evaluated by an Emergency Medicine Consultant of A&E after data collection. Drug initiated hypoglycemia which counted for 21 (47%) cases of ADRs and covered mainly patients on insulin, with or without a sulphonylurea therapy. Allergic reactions accounted for 10 (21%) of the ADR, cardiovascular drugs (14.28%), analgesic/anti-inflammatory medications (17.14%), drugs acting on the central nervous system (11.42%) and anti-infective (11.42%). It is concluded that drug-initiated hypoglycemia is the major ADR presenting to the A&E of the Birdem Hospital of the Bangladesh; it is a preventable ADR and therefore further investigation should evaluate possible factors attributed to the occurrences.
How to cite this article:
Md. Ashrafudoulla, Sayed Sakib Faisal, Md. Rezaul Kairm, Sm Faysal Bellah. Hypoglycemic complications with diabetes mellitus management: the predominant adverse drug reaction presenting to the accident and emergency patient of Birdem hospital Dhaka, Bangladesh. Pharma Innovation 2015;4(10):97-100.